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authentic camouflage colours

mix from Vallejo Model Air



Czechoslovakia 1922-92       -       France 1938-42       -       East Germany 1986-90


for airbrush

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Peewit's Authentic camouflage colours are acrylic modelers paint for airbrush. Vallejo Model Air is the base for mix of our original color shades. The paint is not changed, only the shade. Dilute with Vallejo Model Air auxiliary products. 


For more info about the Vallejo products, see:


The safety information:


The authentic camouflage colours Peewit are based on a long-term study and researches of the subject. The colour shades are based on preserved original aircraft or their part, if is not stated otherwise. No scale reduction is included as well as other subjective changes.

Czechoslovak air forces 1922-1926

C2220 - Brown

C2221 - Brown - (darker variant of the colour)


C2250 - Green 

C2251 - Green - (darker variant of the colour)


C2260 - Ochre  

C2261 - Ochre  - (darker variant of the colour)


C2290 - Aluminium - we recommend to use Vallejo Model Air 71.062 Aluminium.



For more info see on the Czech language version

If you have some question, ask us on


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Peewit authentic colours C2220, C2250, C2260


Authentic colours Peewit is possible obtain only there

Czechoslovak air forces 1926-1939



1926 Olive Green


C-2659 – Olivove Green (used only in 1926 on Avia BH-21

and Aero Ab-11)



1926-1939 Khaki


C2650 - Khaki - (the most universal colour shade of all known examples known to us).

C2651 - Khaki - (a shade from 1926, more brown-yellow shade if compared with C2650).

C2652 - Khaki - (less brown-yellow and more darker if compared with C2650).



C2690 - Aluminium - we recommend to use Vallejo Model Air 71.062 Aluminium.



1938-1939 Camouflage

(Avia B.71)


C-3820 – Brown

​C-3850 – Dirty Green​

C-3819 – Grey-Green



C-3811/S – Light grey



For more info see on the Czech language version

If you have some question, ask us on





















Peewit authentic colours C2650 a C2690

Authentic colours Peewit is possible obtain only there

C-3420 – Brown

​C-3450 – Green

​C-3460 – Ochre



For more info see on the Czech language version

If you have some question, ask us on





Czechoslovak tanks 1934-39




​F-4016 - Gris Bleu Foncé - based on original parts

from Caudron C.714 and  facsimile colour chart of factory

"Pyrolac", corresponding to the specifications of French Air Ministry


F-4026 - Ombre Calcinée (Brun Foncé) - based on original parts from Caudron C.714 and  facsimile colour chart of factory "Pyrolac", corresponding to the specifications of French Air Ministry


F-4020 - Sienne Naturelle (Terre de Sienne) - based on facsimile colour chart of factory "Pyrolac", corresponding to the specifications of French Air Ministry


F-4056 - Kaki - based on original parts from Caudron C.714 and  facsimile colour chart of factory "Pyrolac", corresponding to the specifications of French Air Ministry


F-4050 - Vert - based on facsimile colour chart of factory "Pyrolac", corresponding to the specifications

of French Air Ministry


F-4010 - Gris Bleu Clair- based on original parts from Caudron C.714



















For more info see on the Czech language version

If you have some question, ask us on

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French Air Force 1938-42




Authentic colours Peewit is possible obtain only there

Czechoslovak air forces 1945-1970



C 4650 - Grey-Green - Mostly reffered in modellers instruction as

RLM 02, the colour is still question. By our opinion the colour could be

a result of mix of RLM 02 and RLM 82. The C4650 is based on

the rest of the coating on the preserved orignal engine shroud of Avia S-92

and the museum exhibit of the same type in Aviation museum at Prague.


C 4651 - Grey-Green - Lighter variant of the same colour as above, based on RAL reference of a part from Israeli Avia S-199.


C 4610 - Light Grey-Green - Mostly reffered in modellers instruction as RLM 02, the colour is still question. By our opinion the colour could be a result of mix of RLM 02 and RLM 82 and white. Based on Zlin C-106 aircraft displayed in Prague Aviation museum.




Khaki / Light Blue (Czechoslovak Air forces, 1950's)


Upper surfaces:

C 5250 - Dark Green - Khaki

C 5351 - Khaki 5450 (lighter variant)

​C 5352 - Khaki 5450 (ÄŒSN 5450, darker variant)



C 5240 - Light Blue















For more info see on the Czech language version



Authentic colours Peewit is possible obtain only there

Czechoslovak air forces 1973-1992

LERAN - special camouflage scheme

(MiG-21, L-29, Mi-4 and Mi-8)


C-7151 – Green 5303 (weathered)

​​C-7111 – Dark Grey 1703 (weathered)





Factory paint

C 7041/S - Cockpit colour

C 7756/S - Dark Green

C 7320/S - Brown



C 7340/S - Light blue


Factory paint - weathered

​C 7351/S - Dark Green

C 7322/S - Brown






Paint after overhaul - 1980's

C 7041/S - Cockpit colour

C 7350/S - Green

C 7321/S - Brown








Paint after overhaul - 1982

C 7041/S - Cockpit colour

C 8251/N - Green

C 8220/N - Brown

C 8941/N - Light Blue









Paint after overhaul - 1985-1993

C 7041/S - Cockpit colour

C 9250 - Green

C 9220 - Brown

C 9240 - Light Blue












Grey - Factory paint:

C 7041/S - Cockpit colour

C-7510/S – Light Grey

Paint after overhaul, 1990's

C 7041/S - Cockpit colour

C-9210/S – Light Grey









​MiG-23, MiG-29, Su-22, Su-25


Factory paint

​​C 7756/S - Dark Green

​C 7750/S - Light Green

​C 7751/S - Light Green (weathered, MiG-23MF)

​C 7752/S - Light Green (weathered, MiG-23ML)

C 7320/S - Brown

C 7321/S - Brown (variant)

C 7323/S - Brown (variant, late 1980's]

C 8126/S - Dark brown

C 7340/S - Light blue












​Paint after overhaul - 1989-90

​C 8951/N - Olive Green 2425

​C 8950/N - Light Green (weathered)

​C 8956/N - Dark Olive Green

​C 8955/N - Dark Olive Green  (weathered)

​C 8958/N - Brown Olive

​C 8959/N - Brown Olive  (weathered)

​C 8941/N - Light blue

​C 8940/N - Light blue  (weathered)








​​L-39 Albatros 


​C 5352 - Khaki

​​​C 8010 - Dark Green

​C 8350 - Light Green 0225

C 8010 - Light Grey







​​​L-29 Delfin

C 8810 - Light Grey












For more info see on the Czech language version

If you have some question, ask us on



Authentic colours Peewit is possible obtain only there

East-Germany Air Forces 1986-90



N-8656 – Olivgrün 2425

​​​N-8658 – Dunkeloliv

​​​​N-8653 – Braunoliv

​​​N-8610/N – Birkengrau

​​​N-8651/N – Fahlgrün



N-8640 - Hellblaugrau 




For more info see on the Czech language version

If you have some question, ask us on





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Authentic colours Peewit is possible obtain only there

Peewit colour marking system


on the Khaki C2650 example:


C - the state, ie. Czechoslovakia


26 - the first two digit - the year of the introducing to using of the colour (or approximate date)


5 - the third digit means the colour shade according the system of old Czechoslovak State Standard, in this case Green (1 - Grey, 2 - Brown, 3 - Violet, 4 - Blue, 5 - Green, 6 - Yellow, 7 - Orange, 8 - Red a 9 - Others).


0 - variants of the same colour


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